In Warsaw, in the district of Praga Południe, BatiPlus engineers have executed site supervision works related to the extension of the street Miedzyborska at the section located from Cardinal A. Kakowski Street to the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański Street. The investment includes also the construction of technical infrastructure and connections for the purposes of the ongoing construction project – a residential complex called Kolorowy Gocław.
The area of this section of the planned road used to be wasteland, overgrown with grass, weeds and trees. The previous pavement of Międzyborskiej Street ended nearby Kakowski Street by the exit into the existing residential complex there.
The scope of work includes the construction of the street with the municipal road traffic category KR3 and Class L (local road). The part of this project consist of planned public parking spaces, the green belt of trees and sidewalks, and landscaping elements such as benches, waste bins and freestanding planters. Road surface has been made of asphalt concrete while parking spaces and sidewalks of concrete blocks.
Apart from roadworks, the scope of works also includes the construction and development of technical infrastructure in terms of water supply, sewage, district heating network, along with the renovation of the existing chamber heating, street lighting and telecommunications networks.
The assignment has been performed by a team of engineers BatiPlus with many years of experience in conducting and supervising infrastructure projects.